Bevadine Zoma Terrell

Mixed Media Artist


The Four Seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall

The four seasons is a tribute to our four seasons, winter, spring, summer and fall. As stated by Polish American pianist Arthur Rubinstein, “The seasons are what a symphony ought to be: four perfect movements in harmony with each other”. In the United States we experience different levels of the seasons in each state. There are states where the weather of the season’s changes is distinctly true and evident whereas in some states Winters and Fall are mild and the spring and summer temperature can be devastatingly hot. Here in the north as compared to the south the winters and summers can be harshly cold, snowy, and hot. I like all the seasons but love spring and summer. In my youth I grew up in New Jersey. We had many snowy, icy, and extremely cold Winters. Our Summers were great. Presently I reside in Washington, D.C. where there are times when the weather temperatures are not always true to the season. We have had many warm Fall seasons that sometimes are categorized as “Indian Summers” events because the temperatures are so warm. The winters in Washington, D.C. usually range from moderate to severe. Cold temperatures or snow can be experienced as late as April or May. Winter can be categorized as the season with the shortest days and Summer has the longest days. Spring provides us with the beginnings of the longer days while the Fall season begins shortest days. In the Spring the time moves ahead by one hour and in the Fall the time moves back by one hour. One of my favorite season songs is Turn! Turn! Turn! composed by Pete Seeger

Author – Bevadine Zoma Terrell 2023

Fall - 2022 - 39" x 27" 

Winter - 2022 - 39" x 27" 

Summer - 2022 - 39" x 27" 

Spring - 2022 - 39" x 27"